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116000 Missing Children’s Hotline now operational on 24/7 basis

Children and Youth Affairs Minister Frances Fitzgerald has today confirmed that the 116000 Hotline for Missing Children, operated by the ISPCC, is now operating on a full time 24/7 basis. The hotline commenced in December 2012 on a reduced hours pilot basis.

Minister Fitzgerald stated:

I am delighted to be able to announce the commencement of full time operation in Ireland of the 116000 Hotline for Missing Children. This service provides an important support for children missing from home and for their families. I wish to commend the commitment and interest shown by the ISPCC in seeking to progress provision of this Hotline.

Under EU telecoms rules agreed in 2009, the 116000 number is reserved in all EU member states for a missing children hotline. In 2011 Minister Fitzgerald established a Project Team to oversee the establishment of the Hotline. The Project Team included representatives of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the Department of Justice and Equality, ComReg and an Garda Síochána. Last year Minister Fitzgerald confirmed that a licence to operate the 116000 Hotline for Missing Children has been allocated to the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

The 116000 Missing Children Hotline in Ireland will be formally launched on 5 June 2013.