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Hogan Confirms Remaining Allocations for Flooding Repairs

Helping Local Communities Recover from the Recent Severe Storms

Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government, Phil Hogan TD, today (7 March, 2014) has informed local authorities of funding allocations under the €70m programme announced by Government on 11 February, for repairs and associated costs following severe weather from 13 December 2013 to 6 January 2014.

Letters issued today to the remaining local authorities detailing funding arrangements up to specified levels of allocation for repair and restoration programmes arising from the early phase of severe weather. The Minister already notified the majority of the funding to the seven worst affected local authorities last Friday.

The details for the local authorities who were notified today are as follows;

Local Authority Repair Funding Ceilings Clean-up/Response Costs

Carlow €16,000 €15,000

Cavan - €30,192

Cork City €48,500 €112,500

Dublin City €120,500 €80,000

Fingal Co Co €200,000 €5,000

Galway City €1,262,375 €187,000

Laois €207,500 €1,000

Leitrim €245,250 €80,650

Limerick €12,500 €72,000

Longford €156,000 €15,000

Louth €270,675 €64,000

Meath €80,300 €13,121

Roscommon - €20,810

Sligo €212,036 €40,400

Tipperary North €548,602 -

Tipperary South €677,938 €45,503

Westmeath - €80,145

Wexford €5,866,000 €33,500

Wicklow - €26,329

€62 million of this will be for local authorities in the areas worst affected by severe weather to help affected communities by restoring roads, coastal protection and other infrastructure and amenities/facilities/infrastructure.

The funding will enable local authorities to help affected communities by restoring roads, coastal protection and other infrastructure and amenities. The €70 m figure derives from local authority estimates of €16m to roads, €20m to restoring coastal protection infrastructure and €26m to other local authority and community infrastructure and includes €8 m for other transport and OPW infrastructure.

This is in addition to the €25 m which Government has already announced for Department of Social Protection’s Humanitarian Assistance schemes.

The arrangements for the drawing down of the funds by local authorities on foot of the Government decision were finalised following discussions between local authorities, the Department of the Environment, Community the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Office of Public Works, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

Local authorities have been requested to prepare and submit a programme of works for the projects identified that will be submitted directly to the relevant funding Departments/ Agencies as mentioned above.

Minister Phil Hogan, TD said “The making available of this funding clearly demonstrates the Government’s financial commitment to respond to the needs of communities which were devastated by the storms. It is based on the requests from local authorities and facilitates them in immediately beginning a programme of prioritised works to assist the communities and areas worst affected. It will also help many areas which rely on tourism to get back in business.”

“The Government has provided very significant additional support to deal with the huge damage and loss caused by the storms. We are standing shoulder to shoulder with communities which have been affected.


Allocations already notified Friday 28 February

Local Authority Repair Funding Ceilings Clean-up/Response Costs

Clare €16.205 m €608,878

Galway €9.491 m €477,750

Waterford €7.378 m €200,000

Mayo €6.396 m €509,000

Cork €3.980 m €868,700

Kerry €2.699 m €280,329

Donegal €1.380 m €150,000