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Minister Ciarán Cannon celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Rush Youthreach Centre

22nd September, 2011

The Minister of State for Training and Skills, Ciarán Cannon, T.D., today visited the Youthreach Centre in Rush, Co. Dublin to mark the Centre’s 20



Youthreach provides low-skilled early school leavers with the key skills and core competencies to enable them to progress to further education, training, higher education or lasting employment.

The Rush Centre was established in 1991, with 10 learners and now caters for 25 full-time learners, who can gain awards at FETAC levels 3, 4 and 5.

Since 1991, the Centre has catered for over 500 learners.

Minister Cannon noted the hard work involved in the success of the Centre, “I commend all of the learners and staff, past and present, for their dedication and enthusiasm over the last 20 years”.

The Rush Centre is an integral part of the nationwide network of second chance education centres for early school leavers.

The Minister noted that, “with the significant increase in unemployment, Youthreach has an important role as an active labour market programme- on the basis that young people with improved core competencies are inherently more employable than those without”.

In addition to Youthreach, the Government is implementing a range of new measures within the education sector to tackle unemployment.

These include the Springboard Programme in the higher education sector and the establishment of SOLAS, the new national training agency.  

Ciarán Cannon thanked all of those involved in the success of the Centre, including the staff, learners and County Dublin VEC.

The Minister congratulated all those involved in producing a commemoration booklet for the event and concluded by again thanking everyone for their part in the success of the Centre.