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Statement from Minister Frances Fitzgerald regarding the publication of the 3rd Annual Report of the National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church

Speaking following the publication of the 3rd Annual Report of the National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald TD, stated that she was very disappointed to learn of the shortcomings and severe difficulties in cooperation which the Board experienced in their work within the dioceses investigated.

“The protection of children is an absolute priority for this government. I was greatly concerned to learn of the very serious difficulties and obstacles faced by “National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church”, a Board that the Church itself established.

It is my view as Minister for Children and Youth Affairs that anything less than full cooperation with a Board whose purpose is to investigate the Church’s compliance with child protection procedures, cannot be tolerated. It is imperative that all elements of the Church cooperate with internal and external bodies investigating allegations of child abuse.

In establishing the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the Government has given a very clear signal as to the primacy of child welfare and protection in this State. As Minister, I am determined to take every measure possible to secure the safety and well being of children.

I will now consider the Reports’ implications in detail as part of an ongoing process to review and strengthen child protection measures in the State.”