Category Index

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced the creation of 90 new jobs for Dublin in four fast-growing companies....

Brendan Howlin TD, Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform, yesterday welcomed a series of agreements reached between the Council...

The political agreement with the European Parliament secured by the Irish Presidency on the EU’s c. €70bn research and innovation...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today announced the appointment of Eamon Stack to chair the working group established to develop a new model for...

The Minister for Health Dr. James Reilly today announced the appointment of Mr Pat McLoughlin as Independent Chair...

Mr Phil Hogan T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government and Ms Jan O’Sullivan...

Headline deposits declined by €2.8 billion during the month driven by outflows in the UK and ROI retail...

Banks operating in Ireland (i.e. both covered and non-covered banks) continue to reduce their level of borrowing from the ECB...

The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan welcomes final agreement on amendment to maturities on Ireland’s borrowings...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced the establishment of a joint Industry/Government task force on Big Data to drive...

