Category Index

I am happy to have this early opportunity to brief the House on the outcome of the most recent meeting of the European Council and of the Euro Summit that...

Minister of State for Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan, today launched the Development Matters lecture series at the Institute of International & European Affairs...

At its meeting today, the Government decided to nominate Mr. Michael Coghlan, Mr. Patrick Durcan and Ms. Gráinne Malone for appointment by the President as judges of the District Court....

The Minister of State, with responsibility for Drugs Strategy, Róisín Shortall T.D., announced today (Tuesday, 1 Nov) that the Government has approved an Order declaring a further range of "legal highs" to be controlled drugs...

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar today announced new plans to regulate the clamping industry. The Minister is proposing a Bill...

Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar has announced new plans to regulate the clamping industry....

Minister of State Creighton will represent the Government at the London Cyber Conference on 1-2 November. The event has been organized by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague, in order to examine the foreign...

Minister Sherlock congratulates Cork company on success in space Radisens Diagnostics has been awarded a €1m contract by the European Space Agency to develop an innovative blood testing device for use by astronauts...

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, has welcomed plans by UCC to develop an outreach third-level programme in Organic Horticultural Crop Production on an estate in...

This week the Government put two proposed amendments to the Constitution to the people; the 29th amendment on judges pay and the 30th amendment...

