Category Index

Today’s Initiative is one more step in delivering the promise in the Programme for Government to get Ireland working again.This Government has inherited an enormous and unprecedented economic challenge. We are determined to meet this challenge head on....

Details of the Government's Jobs Initiative has been announced by various Government Departments today. The information can be viewed in the press releases issued by each Department...

A €75 million boost for transport projects to create at least 1,000 new jobs has been announced today (Tuesday) by Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar as part of the Government’s Jobs Initiative...

The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, has today (Tuesday 10th May 2011) announced a new National Internship Scheme for 5,000 people who are currently on the live register. The Scheme will provide work...

Unveiling further details of measures contained in today’s Jobs Initiative announcement, Minister Bruton said: "Governments don’t create jobs, entrepreneurs do: the risk takers, the business people, the exporters up and down the country who have...

Almost 16,000 training and education places, as well as €40 million in funding for building works for schools have been announced by Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Ruairi Quinn T.D., today (10 May, 2011) as part of the Government’s Jobs Initiative...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today launched Enterprise Ireland's new Lean Business initiative. Speaking at the launch the Minister said...

Minister Bruton Launches Enterprise Ireland’s ‘Lean’ Initiative to Make Irish Companies Fitter and Help Them Beat International Competition...

Monday 9th of May 2011 Taoiseach Enda Kenny today attended the launch of the Getting Irish Business Online initiative. Also present at the launch in Google...

Communications Minister Pat Rabitte today announced a new Rural Broadband Scheme aiming to provide universal broadband access in Ireland by the end of 2012...

