Category Index

Details of the commemoration ceremony to mark the 95th anniversary of the 1916 Rising have been released and can be viewed below...

The new Ireland West (Knock) to Edinburgh route, officially launched yesterday by Minister of State Michael Ring, is another milestone for Knock Airport as it expands its network...

I want to congratulate Sergeant John Hynes on his award yesterday for the outstanding work he did in bringing to justice the parents who subjected their children ...

Speaking at the Teagasc National Bioenergy Conference in Tullamore today, Minister of State McEntee emphasised the important contribution that the agriculture and forestry sectors have to play...

Justice Minister Alan Shatter has appointed Mr. Frank Callanan, S.C. to conduct a review into matters relevant to the deaths of Cpl Fintan Heneghan, Pte Mannix Armstrong and Pte Thomas Walsh...

Minister Varadkar today annouced that the National Aquatic Centre has secured a high-profile booking this June when the British and Hungarian Waterpolo teams arrive in...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton is currently in India on a trade mission. The photos below highlight some of his activities.

Recently appointed Gender Equality Minister Kathleen Lynch launched an exciting initiative in Longford this evening which will provide gender specific mentoring for 15 budding...

The Government is determined to do everything it can to make 2011 the year when our overseas tourism will return to growth.Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport...

The Motion before the House proposes that Ireland should exercise the option set out in Article 3 of Protocol 21 to the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union to participate in...

