Category Index

Minister Hayes's address touched on the important challenges facing the architectural profession and his Office’s and the Government’s response ...

I am concerned that the reality of our reliance on the EU/IMF funding has not been fully grasped by the general public and within the education sector ...

On behalf of the Office of Public Works I would like to welcome you all to Dublin Castle and, in particular, to welcome all the international delegates who have come to Dublin to partake in this General Assembly of the Architects Council of Europe...

Health Minister Reilly today announced that, following a consultation process under the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act 2009, he has decided to reduce certain payments made by the HSE to community pharmacy ...

Tuesday, 30th September, 2008 will go down in history as the blackest day in Ireland since the Civil War broke out...

Today the Central Bank of Ireland has released the results of the Capital and Liquidity testing of Allied Irish Banks, Bank of Ireland, Irish Life and Permanent and the Educational Building Society...

Enterprise Minister Bruton welcomed the release today of the latest external trade statistics for final 2010 export performance...

Launching the National Youth Council’s position paper ‘Creating a Future for Young Jobseekers’ Social Protection Minister Burton thanked its authors ...

In light of the completion of the work of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD) and of the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC), the Government has agreed ...

Research & Innovation Minister Sherlock today launched the Royal Irish Academy’s Discovery website. This website, allowing users to explore a wealth of Irish cultural artefacts online ...

