
Education Minister Richard Bruton today welcomed the Report of the Expert Group on Future Funding for Higher Education...

The Somme Centenary Commemoration will take place in the Irish National War Memorial Gardens, Islandbridge, Dublin 8 on Saturday 9th July at 12 noon...

Education Minister Richard Bruton today announced approval for the Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016...

Revenue and Expenditure results for the first half of the year show that the public finances are on target to achieve the revised 2016 forecast, as set out in the Summer Economic Statement...

Health Ministers Simon Harris and Michelle O'Neill committed to a €57 million investment in the all-island Congenital Heart Disease Service...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny will chair the twenty second plenary meeting of the North South Ministerial Council in Dublin Castle this morning...

The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, will chair the Twenty second plenary meeting of the North South Ministerial Council in Dublin Castle...

Tánaiste and Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald today published the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill. The Bill is part of the ongoing response to crack down on...

Environment Minister Simon Coveney today announced the allocation of funding of €22 million for the development by Dublin City Council...

Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar and Housing Minister Simon Coveney have confirmed that Cabinet has agreed to increase rent limits under the Rent...

