
Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys, T.D., welcomes today’s announcement by the European Commission to approve Ireland's €200 million scheme, in line with EU State aid rules, to provide financial support to Irish companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar TD, and the Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD, have today (Monday) welcomed a new public private partnership between the HSE and the Private Hospitals’...

Government Ministers are sending a message to employers who have been, or expect to be, hit by the COVID-19 crisis that a significant package of supports is available to assist them during this time of unprecedented difficulty.

For the duration of the current crisis staff working in homeless NGOs providing emergency accommodation to homeless households are deemed essential personnel.

The full list of essential workers will be published as early as possible tomorrow. In the interim, the Government advice for businesses and services which consider themselves an essential...

Tonight, I want to speak to you about the next stage in our national response to the Coronavirus Emergency. Before I do so, I want to express my condolences to the families...

12,650 companies already receiving over €5.4 million in support Employers with cash in reserve, who have been hit by a significant decline in business, will still qualify for the scheme

Taoiseach participates in European Council videoconference on Covid-19...

The new Business Continuity Voucher is now available through Local Enterprise Offices and is open to sole traders and companies across every business sector that...

