
Minster for Transport, Tourism and Sport Leo Varadkar TD today officially commenced works on the N25 Cork Southern Ring Road. The proposed Scheme will provide a high quality linkage between the N22 and N71 in the Southwest with the N8, N25 and N28 in the North East...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today announced reforms to the Joint Labour Committee and Registered Employment Agreement wage settling mechanisms, following Government decision last Tuesday....

Justice Minister Alan Shatter today published the Thornton Hall Review Group Report. The Minister confirmed that the Government approved in principle the Report’s recommendations...

Tourism Minister Leo Varadkar and Minister of State Michael Ring today announced almost €6 million worth of funding for four tourism projects across Ireland. The Ministers announced the funding in the Book of Kells...

Finance Minister Michael Noonan today announced the publication of the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) Bill 2011. The bill responds to the regulatory failures of the financial crisis. It enhances the...

Justice Minister Alan Shatter today welcomed the publication by the CSO of the recorded crime statistics for the second quarter of 2011. There was a decrease in all 14 categories compared to the same quarter of 2010...

Housing Minister Willie Penrose today launched a new housing development by Cluid Housing Association in Sandyford. The project marks the first use of loan finance from the Housing Finance Agency by an...

Education Minister Ruairí Quinn today announced that a new further education and training authority called SOLAS (Seirbhísí Oideachais Leanúnaigh agus Scileanna) is to be established. Speaking at the launch the Minister said...

Children & Youth Affairs Minister Frances Fitzgerald today launched Listen to Our Voices: Hearing Children and Young People Living in the Care of the State. Listen to Our Voices is the report of consultations with 220 children...

The Government today, on the nomination of the Taoiseach, appointed Martin Fraser to be Secretary General to the Government and Secretary General of this Department...

