
The closing date for receipt of completed 2020 census forms returned by post was Monday 1st February 2021...

Minister Troy today announced the decision of the Registrar of Companies to extend the current arrangement in relation to the filing of annual returns...

€4m extra funding will allow 400-500 New entrants. Priority access for young farmers...

Ministers O’Brien TD and Feighan met this morning with the High Level Homelessness Taskforce to discuss the implementation of the Housing First programme and the enhanced provision of health supports to those experiencing homelessness during Covid-19...

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 10 additional deaths related to COVID-19...

Children in special schools to return on 50 per cent capacity shared basis from 11 February...

Minister Ryan has today announced the Government’s approval to draft legislation which will allow for the regulation of escooters and ebikes in the forthcoming Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill...

Working Together for Animal Welfare: Ireland’s Animal Welfare Strategy 2021-2025...

An additional year of historic Births, Marriages and Deaths are now available to view on the website

Minister Burke has announced another commercial rates package for local authorities totaling €160 million for the first quarter of 2021...

