
An Taoiseach, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, and Minister for Rural & Community Development announced today the Government’s approval to allow Mayo County Council, under the direction of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), to award the main construction contract for the N5 Westport to Turlough Road Project.

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar has welcomed the canonisation in Rome today (Sunday 13 October 2019) of Cardinal John Henry Newman. Newman...

Statement of An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, Budget 2020,Dáil Éireann, Wednesday 9 October 2019

The Government is making more than €1 billion available in Budget 2020 to be spent in the event of a No Deal Brexit.

The Taoiseach spoke to the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and European Council President Donald Tusk this afternoon...

A National Emergency Coordination Group meeting was held today (Thursday 03 October), chaired by Minister Eoghan Murphy. Minister Damien English and Minister Kevin Boxer Moran were in attendance also...

The Taoiseach and the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson spoke by phone this evening, shortly before 6pm. They discussed the latest proposals from the UK...

Dr. Catherine Day, former Secretary General of the European Commission will chair a new Citizens’ Assembly to advance gender equality.

Tánaiste Simon Coveney is in Brussels today for the latest of his regular stock-taking meetings with EU Chief Negotiator for the Article 50 process, Michel Barnier...

Excellencies, For almost a thousand years, my country, Ireland has been associated with the colour green. The Emerald Isle. In the future, I want Ireland to be known as a Green country...

