
Taoiseach Enda Kenny this afternoon placed his resignation in the hands of the President, Michael D Higgins, in accordance with Article 28.9.1° of the Constitution...

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Prime Minister May spoke by phone this morning.

Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Paschal Donohoe this morning welcomed the proposals issued by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). These proposals would deliver...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, the Duke of Cambridge and Princess Astrid of Belgium jointly attended commemorations for the Battle of Messines Ridge in Belgium yesterday...

We utterly condemn the cowardly attack in London last night and reject the warped motives and world view behind them. This is sheer madness...

The Taoiseach will travel to the United States today (Sunday, 4 June) for a two-day trade and investment mission to Chicago. The primary focus of the visit is to promote Ireland as a location...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny along with Health Minister Simon Harris and Minister of State for Mental Health, Helen McEntee today announced the signing of the construction...

Health Minister Simon Harris welcomes this morning’s statement in relation to the change of ownership of the St Vincent’s Healthcare Group which he noted was a very significant...

The Taoiseach chaired a meeting of Ministers and senior officials this morning in the wake of the Manchester terrorist attack...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny together and Health Minister Simon Harris, with members of the Youth Advisory Council, cast the foundation stone for the new children’s hospital today...

