
Taoiseach Enda Kenny today met with family members of ten Protestant workmen killed in the 1976 Kingsmill massacre in South Armagh. The sole...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today marked the official establishment of Xtralis in Ireland. The company will locate all of its headquarter functions in Ireland and hopes to employ 50 people through the further growth of its operations here...

The Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly has today (Thursday, 13th September 2012) welcomed the significant development which will pave the way for talks involving hospital consultants at the Labour Relations Commission...

Todays's successful sale at yield of 0.7% and a cover of 3 times is an excellent result and marks a significant improvement on the previous yields of 1.8% in July. This results builds upon the NTMA's return to markets this summer and once again highlights the...

Tánaiste and Foreign Affairs Minister Eamon Gilmore has expressed his profound regrets on behalf of the Government and people of Ireland at the...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today spoke at the Irish Funds Industry Association Annual Conference....

Education Minister Ruairí Quinn sent his warm congratulations to the 58,798 students who will receive their Junior Certificate Results today. Across the country young people and those returning to education are collecting their results in post...

10th September 2012 Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte today announced Digital Switchover week, which will take place from 17th – 23rd September. Organised by the...

The Minister of Finance, Mr. Michael Noonan TD, welcomed the publication today (10th September 2012) by the IMF of it 2012 Article IV Review. This Review sets out the detail of the issues which were previously presented in the Concluding Statement of...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that ArisGlobal is to expand its European operations in Dublin with the creation of 50 new high quality jobs. ArisGlobal is a key provider of innovative software solutions...

