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Statement by Taoiseach Enda Kenny - Mauritius Sunday Times

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has expressed his deep shock and disgust at the

publication of images in today's Mauritius Sunday Times.

Speaking on the matter the Taoiseach said:

The publication of these images represents an appalling invasion of privacy and is a gross affront to human dignity. There are issues of fundamental human rights in question in relation to this deeply upsetting

matter. This reprehensible act can only add to the pain and suffering of the McAreavey and Harte families and our thoughts and sympathies are again with them at this time. On behalf of the people of Ireland, the Government will be lodging a formal complaint in the strongest possible terms, with the Government

of Mauritius.

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore is to meet the Irish Ambassador to Mauritius to discuss the matter.

Read the Tánaiste's statement here.