
-Department working on financial supports-...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., today announced that payments to GLAS-Plus participants have started this week...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, T.D., today confirmed that payments of €46.6 million to 27,200 farmers under the 2020 Beef Finisher Payment (BFP) have commenced...

Malcolm Noonan TD, Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, today (Wednesday 18 November) launched the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the Historic Structures Fund for 2021...

Cabinet yesterday (Tuesday) agreed to a Committee Stage Amendment to the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2020 to deal with the VAT Retail Export Scheme...

Following receipt of a request from two Trade Unions pursuant to Section 14 of the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015 the Labour Court has today given public notice of its intention...

Roadmap for a Policy and Regulatory Framework for Geothermal Energy launched at Geoscience 2020 Conference...

Minister McEntee Dáil speech in relation to Private Members Motion on Protecting Communities from unlawful use of scramblers and quad bikes in public spaces...

