
The Minister of State for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, officially launched his Department’s “Don’t Risk it!” Plant Health awareness raising campaign for 2019.

New and improved user friendly website allows quick access to key information about all new and upcoming film releases.

Minister invites applications from bodies to nominate suitably qualified persons to fill vacancies on the boards of Education and Training Boards (ETBs)

Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government today, Thursday 30 May 2019, welcomes the publication of the latest Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Bathing Water Quality in Ireland Report.

The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, was pleased to open a symposium on drones today in Dublin Castle.

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, and his colleague, the Minister of State with responsibility for Equality...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., today chaired the inaugural meeting of the new CAP post-2020 Consultative Committee...

Mr. Eoghan Murphy T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government, today (29 May, 2019) published his Department’s April Homelessness Report...

Today, Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, Pascal Donohoe TD, and Minister of State for Equality, Immigration and Integration, David Stanton TD, launched the first report of the Balance for Better Business Review Group...

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Andrew Doyle T.D., today announced the publication of the Department’s annual Forest Statistics Report for 2019...

