
The Minister for Health, Simon Harris, TD has today granted a time extension to the Commission of Investigation (Certain matters relative to a disability service in the South East and related matters) – the Farrelly Commission.

Minister for Health Simon Harris TD today received Government approval for the drafting of a Bill to establish an independent Board for the HSE.

Minister Kyne was speaking during a commencement debate on the matter in the Seanad this afternoon.

€120million is available to Local Authorities under the Scheme over the next three years.

The Minister for Agriculture Food & Marine, met with Mr. Zou Zhiwi, Vice-Minister of the General Administration of Customs, China (GACC) and senior agency officials, in Beijing this morning.

The Minister for European Affairs, Helen McEntee, held a bilateral meeting today with the Swedish Minister for European Affairs, Ms. Ann Linde

Organised by the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Minister Breen hosts D9+ EU countries in Dublin’s Digital Hub

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Simon Coveney, spoke about events of today in Gaza, in which it is reported that over 40 people have been killed.

