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Minister Byrne to attend meeting of the General Affairs Council

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne T.D., will travel to Luxembourg to represent Ireland at a meeting of the General Affairs Council (GAC) on Tuesday, 18 October.


The main item at this month’s General Affairs Council meeting will be preparation for the European Council meeting on 20/21 October. Leaders will discuss a number of pressing issues at the European Council: Ukraine, Energy, the Economic Situation and the EU’s External Relations.


Ministers will also be updated on the state of play regarding the Article 7(1) TEU procedure concerning Poland and the rule of law. There will be an exchange of views on the follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe and Ministers will also have a policy debate on Electoral Policy. Ministers will receive a presentation from the Commission on its recently issued Communication on “Enforcing EU law for a Europe that delivers”.


Speaking ahead of the meeting, Minister Byrne said:


“We have many important and timely issues on our agenda, as we prepare for the European Council later this week which I will attend with the Taoiseach. The energy situation is naturally preoccupying everyone’s thoughts at present, so I welcome the opportunity to discuss with EU colleagues what measures can be taken to address and improve the overall situation, as the Commission prepare further proposals for consideration.”


“The war in Ukraine will also be an important item for discussion at the European Council. Russia’s recent escalatory actions are dangerous and completely unacceptable. In particular, the latest attacks by Russia on civilian populations and infrastructure represent serious violations of international law and international humanitarian law. They are unconscionable. Our guiding principle in this conflict has always been support for international law and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty; and our support for Ukraine remains steadfast.”