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Minister Donohoe launches updated Project Ireland 2040 Progress Tracker

The Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, has today 10th February 2023, launched an updated Investment Projects and Programmes Tracker and updated MyProjectIreland interactive map. 


Project Ireland 2040 sets out a clear long-term strategy for public capital projects in Ireland backed by funding of €165 billion over a 10 year period as presented in the National Development Plan 2021–2030 (NDP). The updated Tracker and Map published today on the steady progress being made in the delivery of the NDP. The Tracker and Map were last published in May 2022. 

Speaking today, Minister Donohoe said:

"I am delighted that there continues to be significant advances made in the delivery of Project Ireland 2040. The investment tracker and interactive map provide citizens with a comprehensive overview of the capital projects being delivered in their own areas. This year my Department has increased capital investment by a further 10% to over €12 billion. This represents a solid pipeline of activity that will continue to support jobs across the construction sector."

This Tracker update, which incorporates user-friendly dashboards, provides a composite update on the progress of all major investments that make up Project Ireland 2040. It focuses on over 320 projects and 140 programmes with estimated costs greater than €20 million.  

The Minister also said:

"Over the lifetime of the NDP, we are investing €165 billion in new and upgraded infrastructure that meets the needs of our growing population and enables delivery of our national priorities around critical areas such as housing, health and climate action. With the unprecedented scale of investment in the NDP, the ambition of the Government is clear. The Tracker and the Map published today demonstrate the many successes we have had in the delivery of the NDP so far.  

"Delivering the NDP is a huge undertaking but we must, and will, continually strive to ensure that projects are completed on time and on budget. That is why the Government has decided to sharpen the focus on delivery even further in 2023. Reflecting its change in name, my Department is examining how the support structures and levers at Government’s disposal can be used to drive delivery, in support of my colleagues in Government who are the key players in the management and delivery of all our NDP projects.

"The Government is determined to deliver on the vision set out in the National Development Plan. Success will mean a better Ireland for the benefit of all our people.”