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Minister Donohoe publishes the final tranche of papers developed for Spending Review 2022

The Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, has today, Friday 10th March, published the sixth and final tranche of papers developed as part of the 2022 Spending Review process.


The Spending Review is a key platform for generating evidence for policy making across the Civil Service. Supported by the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service (IGEES), the process has become a focal point for the range of analysis being undertaken across Government Departments.

Commenting on the publication of these reviews, Minister Donohoe stated:

“The Spending Review process, managed by my Department, continues to be an important initiative in the context of the development of policy analysis and supporting evidence- informed policy making across the public sector. Today’s release of three health spending reviews brings the number of papers developed and published over the past year to 25 papers. Overall, papers have been developed across a range of areas, including: agriculture, enterprise, the environment, foreign affairs, housing, transport and social protection”

The Minister continued:

“I welcome the publication of three health Spending Review papers today, which focus on medical workforce supply in Ireland, HSE key performance indicators and a model proposal for population-based funding in health. 

Spending Review 2022 has seen the publication of 25 papers across a range of policy areas. There have been 87 papers published as part of the 2020-2022 Spending Review cycle overall.

The 3 papers published today, in addition to all spending reviews published since 2017, are available to view on the Spending Review website. 


High level summaries of papers published today:


Department of Health 


An Analysis of Medical Workforce Supply

This Spending Review describes the medical education and training system in Ireland and examines some of challenges facing the health system in meeting the WHO-GCP commitment to reduce Ireland’s reliance on the foreign educated medical workforce and in achieving a Consultant-Delivered health service. The paper highlights that long timeframe is required to increase medical education and training places and that these places need to be carefully aligned to ensure the optimal pathway from student to consultant. Even with large-scale increases in medical degree student intake in the short term, reducing Ireland’s reliance on the foreign educated medical workforce will be a long-term endeavour.

Hospital Performance: An Analysis of HSE Key Performance Indicators 

This work provides a data driven assessment of hospital performance relative to specified metrics that form part of the HSE National Service Plan and Management Data Reporting structures. This will further enable active management of hospital performance across the healthcare system, allowing policymakers and practitioners to identify investment needs and best practices and take remediatory action to improve clinical and economic outcomes


Towards Population-Based Funding for Health: Model Proposal

Population Based Resource Allocation (PBRA) is a funding model for health planning that seeks to distribute available healthcare resources according to population need to promote efficiency and equity in both health outcomes and distribution of resources. This paper provides a preliminary PBRA model for implementation and provides indicative results.