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Minister Martin signals support for new Irish language radio service as new research points to strong interest among younger audiences

Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, today reaffirmed her support for a potential new Irish language radio service, as the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) publishes research which highlights younger listeners’ interest in having greater choice in Irish language audio content. The research was conducted by the BAI to ascertain the interest in and the potential for a full-time Irish Language radio service aimed at the 15-34 audience in Ireland.


Speaking today, Minister Martin said: “I am a strong advocate for providing more, and more widely available, Irish language content and services, in particular for young people.  It is, however, important that we understand not only how young people engage with audio content, both on FM and online, and the level of interest in a new Irish language service, but also what they want from such a service and what it must deliver for them.”


Key among the research findings is that nationally, young people still engage with audio content, and radio still remains popular with 87% of respondents listening on a weekly basis. The research also highlights that 70% of respondents whose first language is English are interested in, and open to, a new Irish language station. However, this audience are increasingly moving to digital content and having podcasts and sharable clips which complement live radio would be important for any new service.


Also commenting on the research, Minister of State for the Gaeltacht Patrick O'Donovan T.D. said: “The research conducted into the listening habits and needs of young people is very valuable to us and will inform how we approach developments in this area in the coming years. It’s clear to me that the evolution of a new high quality radio service for young people has the potential to expose more and more young people to Irish, helping to expand and normalize the use of the language in our society as a whole.”


The main attraction for any such service will be the type of music played on the service, and also that any service dealt with the issues that concerns young people, with a variety of high quality content including culture, sport, chat shows, and current affairs.


Minister Martin added: “While Coimisiún na Meán, which I will formally establish next month, will be responsible for the licensing of independent radio broadcasting services in Ireland, I have said before that if possible I would like to see this type of service being put in place for younger people.  This research will be very useful to An Coimisiún as they consider the wants and needs of Irish radio listeners.”


The research will assist Coimisiún na Meán when considering any new licensing strategies as part of its regulatory activities in ensuring that Irish audiences are served by a diverse range of broadcasting services.



An Oifig Preasa agus Eolais

An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán

An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán

Teil: 087 6737338 / 087 7374427 Ríomhphost: Suíomh gréasáin:  An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán

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Facebook: DepartmentofTourismCultureArtsGaeltachtSportandMedia


Note to Editors


The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) together with Foras na Gaeilge, and with support from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, commissioned a research project to ascertain the level of interest in a youth focused, Irish language radio service.  The project was initiated by the BAI’s Irish Language Advisory Committee which includes representatives from the BAI; Foras na Gaeilge; CRAOL (representative body for Irish community radio); Independent Broadcasters of Ireland; RTÉ; TG4; Oireachtas na Gaeilge; and Screen Producers Ireland.


There were two separate research projects undertaken:

  • Ipsos: to explore the views of a national representative sample of the 15-34 demographic on their interest in, and openness to listening to, an Irish language station, as well as motivations for listening.
  • Bricolage: study among the Irish speaking communities to explore audio and media habits and the type of audio content (both English and Irish) that they are engaging with currently, and any perceived gaps in Irish language content.


Some points which emerge from the research include:

  • JNLR data shows that 87% of those aged 15-34 to radio on a weekly basis (almost 1.1m). The majority have a favourite radio station, and music is the main driver of choice (53% state this is what they like most about their favourite station).
  • On the concept of a new Irish language service, 35% of national youth audience surveyed would be likely to listen (i.e. at least once a week). However, this increases to 70% if the service were to differentiate itself from other services (such as talking about the issues that matter to them).
  • Target audience of 15-34 year-olds are non-linear and increasingly digital-only content consumers
  • Not enough Irish language audio offerings at present, and there is seen to be a potential gap for a youth focused and high quality Irish language offering


Details of the BAI’s role in licensing, its licensing activities, as well as details of awarded licences are available here.


The BAI will be dissolved next month and its functions and staff will be absorbed within those of the new media regulator, Coimisiún na Meán.