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Minister Murphy’s statement on July homeless figures

Mr. Eoghan Murphy, Minister for Housing, Planning & Local Government, published his Department’s July Homelessness Report. The report, based on data provided by housing authorities, captures details of individuals accessing State-funded emergency accommodation arrangements that are overseen by housing authorities.

National FiguresJuly 2018
Families 1,778*

*Adults associated with these families are included in the 6,048 figure

Overall, the number of persons accessing emergency accommodation increased slightly by 19 persons (0.19%) when compared to June. The report shows a decrease of 24 adults and an increase of 43 dependents.

Commenting on the figures, Minister Murphy said

Any increase in the number of people accessing emergency accommodation is unacceptable. The numbers presenting to homeless services in the Dublin region remains a concern, despite significant progress in exiting individuals and families from emergency accommodation into independent tenancies. The situation would be more challenging were it not for the huge efforts being put in to prevention. This is possible because new homes are being found for people, but we still need significantly more homes.

My Department is meeting regularly with the four Dublin local authorities and the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive to coordinate our response to this challenging situation. My Department is also working closely with other Government Departments and Agencies on the development of policies and actions in response to the recent reports of the Homelessness Inter-Agency Group and the Dublin Region Homeless Executive. This will include increased action in the area of prevention. A separate survey looking at categoriastion issues is in the process of being completed and no miscategorisations were identified and corrected in the compilation of the July numbers.

I would like to thank all involved for their work in preparing for the recent Papal visit and ensuring that people were secure in their existing accommodation in Dublin and that sufficient contingency accommodation was also available in the city.