
Following an application by defendants at the last hearing (29 June)......

I have noted with regret the death of Bobby Molloy....

Seán Canney, T.D., Minister with responsibility for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief today announced the completion of a series of complicated and technically...

Helen McEntee, TD, Minister for Mental Health and Older People, confirmed today that her Department will provide €10 million over the years 2017 – 2021 to support the continuation of TILDA, the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing...

Minister with Responsibility for Defence, Mr. Paul Kehoe T.D., this afternoon (Friday 30th September 2016) attended the Naval Service Commissioning Ceremony of the 54th Naval Service Cadet Class at the Naval Base, in Haulbowline, Co. Cork...

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, TD, today (Friday 30th) announced that the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform has taken a significant step towards the modernisation of Government financial management administration...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, T.D., today announced a €10m grant for the country’s 14 Institutes of Technology to address their most critical health and safety, infrastructure and ICT needs...

The Department of Agriculture Food & Marine have confirmed a new supply process, which will allow all suppliers of bovine ear tags, whose ear-tags meet the requirements for bovine identification...

Minister for Training, Skills and Innovation, Mr. John Halligan T.D., will visit Japan and South Korea from 1-7 October to enhance Ireland’s international collaboration in Research, Development and Innovation...

The Irish Naval vessel, L.É. James Joyce, returned today (Friday) to the Naval Base and Dockyard, Haulbowline in Cork following deployment to the Mediterranean last July...

