
This Government has just passed its halfway point during this term of office...

I am delighted to be here this morning, at this Joint North/South forum on human...

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter, T.D., is unable to be here to day and has asked me to convey...

I am pleased to join you here at the IBEC HR Leadership Conference. I would like to thank Danny McCoy...

The Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013, began Second Stage in Dáil Éireann today, following the publication of the Bill on the...

From my very first day as Minister I have said we need data. Data that will paint a picture of the scale of the problems of child abuse and child neglect in Ireland...

Fáilte roimh abhaile. Welcome home to this gathering – in what is, of course, the year of The Gathering....

On behalf of the Minister for Justice and Equality, who is unable to be here today, I would like to thank the Chairman for the opportunity to contribute to this...

