
As both participants and guests I am delighted to see you all here on this very special occasion. I know that the granting of Irish citizenship to so many of you here today who have come to our country from a foreign land is a major event in your life... passage and a moment for all of you to cherish. It is also a solemn event for this State to grant citizenship. It is particularly fitting that this

Commissioner, distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen and in particular the members of the families of those killed in the line of duty. I am honoured to be able to attend and speak at today's ceremony. This is a solemn occasion and it is only fitting...

Ireland's goal during our Presidency has been to ensure that the efforts of the EU are focused on the steps necessary to restore economic stability and the promotion of jobs and growth. From the outset, we identified specific legislative...

Secretary General, Chief of Staff distinguished speakers and moderators, ladies and gentlemen. I welcome the opportunity to open this seminar today which will address issues relating to the discussion of Defence issues...

I am very aware of the difficulties that charities can face when raising funds to support their work, especially...

The Good Friday Agreement was a key milestone in the process of seeking an agreed and durable political....

A Cheann Chomhairle, I am pleased to open this debate on the report of the former Joint....

