
Thank you for the opportunity to speak here today at the EirGrid Group Annual Conference. This conference provides a unique opportunity for EirGrid and its key customers to debate Irish electricity market and infrastructure...

Since coming into Office, this Government has already shown that it is committed to reform. We are determined to change crucial aspects of Government and...

The Government last week published the Report of the Inter-Departmental Group on Mortgage Arrears. The Group was requested by the Economic Management Council to examine the further necessary actions that could be...

Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be here with you today as part of Intel Technology Week. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the very significant...

I have a huge affection for the Irish Hospice Foundation.....huge respect for their work. I share their vision that no one should have to face death or bereavement without the appropriate care and support....

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be here to provide the opening address for this morning’s conference. I am particularly impressed by the IPA’s choice of title for this event – Next Stages in Public Service Reform – Challenges and Choices. I...

I am pleased to have this opportunity to brief the House ahead of the next meeting of the European Council in Brussels. As the House will be aware, this was to have taken place next Monday...

I know that these IFSE quarterly meetings provide a valuable opportunity for gaming companies to get together and discuss the common challenges and opportunities...

Taoiseach, President Clinton, Ladies and Gentlemen, We have come to the end of two great days of analysis and discussion. I certainly don’t intend to prolong proceedings much further. What matters...

In the long history of this small country there has never been such an unprecedented challenge nor such an extraordinary opportunity. I’m delighted to open this Global Irish Economic Forum, here at Dublin Castle this...

