
The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D., announced funding of €455,000 by Culture Ireland for the promotion of Irish arts globally in 2021 and 2022...

The Government recently approved the granting of Patents of Precedence entitling the following barristers and solicitors to use the title Senior Counsel...

Allocations for the new ‘Additional Outdoor Infrastructure Fund’ have been announced by Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan T.D today...

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD and Minister of State for Skills and Further Education Niall Collins TD have today (Monday) launched 10,158 places on 294 courses under Springboard+ 2021...

Changes will address skill and labour shortages in the healthcare and nursing home sectors, with immediate effect...

The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, has announced his intention to add one additional State to the list of designated States. People arriving to Ireland having been in or transited through these States in the previous 14 days must enter Mandatory Hotel Quarantine...

The Department of Transport is currently examining the implications of the announcement and the cancellation of the Government-funded PSO routes which operate between Kerry and Dublin and Donegal and Dublin...

To mark Bloomsday 2021, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI) have partnered to produce Opening Ulysses, a short film created in collaboration with 40 Irish Embassies and Consulates worldwide...

