
Data published by the CSO today confirms that revenue associated with overseas visitors continued to grow to over €5 billion in 2018. The detailed figures from the CSO show that...

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, hosted the third meeting of the Forestry Implementation group

The Minister for Justice and Equality will travel to New York this evening to undertake a busy programme of events as part of the Government’s St. Patrick’s Day programme.

The TechSpace Programme is an inspirational and celebratory day for young people and educators alike...

The Department of Justice and Equality has today, on behalf of the Review Group on Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Measures, invited submissions from interested parties on Ireland’s...

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan, has expressed concern over a fire which broke out at Midlands prison in Portlaoise last night.

The Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine welcomed the approval by the French Authorities of an increase in the holding capacity of one of the lairages at Cherbourg

The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, welcomed the signing of a revised agreement with the United States on Air Transport Preclearance.

The Government Chief Whip and Minister of State for the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Islands announced that up to €14,420...

I was deeply concerned to learn of the further developments in the investigation into the incendiary devices which were posted to addresses in the United Kingdom last week.

