
The National Competitiveness Council (NCC) has today (Thursday) published its Competitiveness Challenge 2015 report, outlining a range of actions designed to boost Ireland’s international competitiveness. This year’s report also includes the Council’s Submission to the Action Plan for Jobs...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Mr. Charles Flanagan, T.D., today marked International Human Rights Day by announcing the next stage in the development of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights - the publication of the working outline of the Plan...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Mr. Charles Flanagan, T.D., today marked International Human Rights Day by announcing the next stage in the development...

Much has been achieved on the road to recovery. However, the same urgency and commitment that went into bringing down the government deficit...

I wish to thank the Deputy for raising this critically important issue. I think it is important to start with the positive and what was achieved by the Fresh Start Agreement. It has placed government in Northern Ireland on a...

Minister of State Ó Aodhán Ó Ríordáin T.D., today ( 9 December, 2015 ) announced that Culture Ireland has awarded €1.2m for Irish artists and arts organisations to support the presentation of Irish arts globally in 2016...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, T.D., today announced details of funding of €10m that is being made available to the country’s 14 Institutes of Technology...

A further meeting of the National Coordination Group to discuss the on-going severe weather was held in the (NECC) National Emergency Coordination Centre today...

On 7 December 2015, an Irish Search and Rescue Operator notified the AAIU of a winching incident....

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar has today published far-reaching legislation to tackle Ireland’s ongoing problem with alcohol misuse and reduce consumption...

