
The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, and the Minister with responsibility for Sport, congratulated the Irish Dressage Team on qualifying for the Olympic Games for the first time ever.

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, has welcomed the publication of the summary report by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)

The Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, with responsibility for forestry, launched a ‘Forest Connections’ project in Lyrecrumpane Community Forest, Co. Kerry.

Mr. Richard Bruton, T.D., Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment today (Wednesday, 21st August 2019), opened a scheme to support local environmental projects focusing on climate change and biodiversity...

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD tonight confirmed that talks with beef stakeholders have successfully concluded...

Culture Ireland will host a Networking Event at the Edinburgh Festivals this week, part of its annual Edinburgh Showcase Programme aimed at raising the global profile of Irish artists.

The cost of collecting household waste has remained highly stable across 6 months of price data analysis. This is according to the latest review conducted by the Price Monitoring Group...

Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. has today (19th August) invited applications for the patronage of six new post-primary schools to be established in September 2020...

The Taoiseach has strongly condemned the actions of those responsible for the bomb which detonated in Fermanagh earlier today...

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton T.D., this morning (Monday) met with the Chief Executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Jim Gannon, to discuss the next steps for the deep retrofit pilot scheme and the development of a new retrofitting model...

