
The Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, T.D. today presented the first Junior Cycle Profiles of Achievement (JCPA) to students in his local school Grange Community College.

Minister of State David Stanton, opened a conference in University of Limerick (UL) today focused on tackling the problem of children’s involvement in organised gang and crime networks.

The largest data centre operators in the world have partnered with Irish construction companies to build the most sophisticated and largest ‘hyperscale’ data centres across the globe.

“I look forward to hearing from Michel Barnier when he presents the Joint EU-UK Report on progress during phase one of the Article 50 negotiations."

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Simon Coveney, today attended a meeting of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers in Brussels

The Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Richard Bruton TD, today welcomed the full commencement of the Children First Act 2015 and announced that his Department has published new child protection procedures for schools which take into account the new statutory mandated reporting and child safeguarding requirements.

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Simon Coveney, has announced that, in view of the vital importance of Ireland’s relations with Germany, he has asked the Ambassador in Berlin, Michael Collins, to undertake a comprehensive Review over the coming period.

Schools are today invited to apply to the Department of Education and Skills to take Physical Education as a full, examinable Leaving Certificate subject

Minister Humphreys announces winners of first Regional Enterprise Development Fund call

