
The Government has today (Thursday) published Finance Bill 2017. Adhering to the process of Budget reform, it continues the practice of publishing the Bill as soon as possible after Budget...

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar will attend the European Council meeting in Brussels today and Friday to discuss a range of current EU challenges, the Future of Europeagenda and the...

In relation to homelessness the priority continues to be ensuring that any homeless person will have access to shelter during Storm Ophelia and the following is the up to date position...

Following careful consideration by the National Emergency Coordination Group, the Department of Education and Skills, has decided that all schools will remain closed tomorrow...

The NECG has learned with regret of the death of a woman today in Waterford. The Group extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased...

Education Minister Richard Bruton and the Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor today...

In response to the imminent Storm Ophelia, the Department of Education and Skills is now publicly informing all schools, colleges and other education institutions that they are to remain closed tomorrow, Monday 16 October.

The National Emergency Coordination Group met today (15 October 2017) in anticipation of the arrival of Storm Ophelia. The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government is designated as the Lead ...

Members of the public have been urged to heed the advice of the Coast Guard as Met Éireann has issued a severe weather warning, Level Red, to affect western and southern coastal...

Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe today welcomed NAMA’s announcement that it is to redeem its final €500m tranche of the...

