
Health Minister, Simon Harris and Minister of State for Health Promotion Catherine Byrne, have today welcomed the publication of the 2016 Annual Report on the Tobacco Free IrelandAction Plan. Tobacco Free Ireland was launched under the Healthy Ireland framework in 2013 and sets a target for Ireland to be tobacco free (that is, with a smoking prevalence rate of less than 5%) by the year 2025.

"As Minister I am committed to honouring the commitments of then Taoiseach Enda Kenny to the Magdalen women in 2013 and the scheme introduced for women who were admitted to and worked in the 12 named institutions."

The Minister with Responsibility for Defence, Paul Kehoe, has announced the provision of a humanitarian flooding scheme to provide emergency assistance for small businesses (up to 20 employees), sports clubs and community organisations unable to secure flood insurance, which have been affected by flooding over the last twenty four hours.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar will take part in the annual Remembrance Day ceremonies which take place today in Enniskillen...

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is attending his first British Irish Council Summit today on the Channel Island of Jersey...

The Government today launched the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ 2017 -2018 Information Campaign focusing this year on health preparedness for older people, including the promotion of...

The Government today nominated Mr Tony Murphy as the new Irish member of the European Court of Auditors. Mr Murphy is currently serving as a Director of the European Court of Auditors...

At its meeting today, the Government nominated The Hon. Ms Justice Mary Finlay Geoghegan for appointment by the President to the Supreme Court and nominated Mr David Barniville SC for appointment by the President to the High Court...

At its meeting today, the Government reaffirmed its absolute commitment to Ireland’s bid to host Rugby World Cup 2023...

Minister Katherine Zappone and Minister Richard Bruton today launched the ‘So, how was school today?’ report. A ground breaking piece of research carried out by young people for young...

