
Taoiseach Enda Kenny today made a speech in the Dáil on the subject of National Recovery. You can read the full text of the speech in the Speeches section on

The Government has announced cuts in Ministerial Transport and staffing reductions...

TAOISEACH Enda Kenny will this morning (11h00) chair the weekly Cabinet meeting in Government Buildings and this afternoon (14h30) will be in the Dáil for the Leaders’ Questions and other house business.

Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan, will attend the meeting of Eurozone Finance Ministers today in Brussels. Minister Noonan also met with EU economics Commissioner Oli Rehn this morning...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has released a statement on the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. The full text of the statement is below...

Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation, Richard Bruton described yesterday ‘s EU decision advancing the creation of a single European patent as an ”historic political breakthrough after over 50 years of negotiations ...

11th March 2011 - Taoiseach Enda Kenny is in Brussels today to participate in an Extraordinary Meeting of the European Council and an Informal Meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the Euro area. The Extraordinary meeting of ...

The Government has today decided on the overseas travel programme for St Patrick’s Day.The programme involves travel programmes for the Taoiseach and 8 Ministers in 8 countries. The Taoiseach, Mr Enda Kenny TD, will meet President Barack Obama in...

Thursday 10th April 2011 CENSUS 2011 was officially launched today. Sunday 10th April 2011 is the day that people will be asked to fill out their Census form...

The Government at its meeting today, on the nomination of the Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, appointed Ministers of State and assigned them to Departments with the particular areas of responsibility set out below...

