
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, welcome to Dublin, the most exciting place on the planet today...

I welcome this opportunity to respond to the points raised in this Private Members’ motion and to speak more...

It’s a pleasure to be with you in the ever-impressive environs of the RDS. I’m minded today to recall...

When I was last in the House during the summer, I was fulfilling a promise to the Irish people to hold a referendum...

The European Council later this week is the first to take place since the end of Ireland’s successful EU Presidency. It will consider the digital economy, innovation...

A Cheann Comhairle, this Bill provides for the most fundamental overhaul of the local government sector...

Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and friends, I would like to begin by thanking Sunniva McDonagh, as Acting Chairperson...

In a week dominated by Budget 2014 and its implications, it’s good to have a time for reflection over what has happened to this country in recent years...

I'm pleased to have this opportunity to speak on the budget, and to outline the specific measures which I have taken in...

