
I am pleased to introduce the Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Bill 2013 here today and I look forward to hearing your contributions...

Chief Justice, members of the Judiciary, members of the Board, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen; I am pleased to be here today...

I am pleased to have an opportunity to talk to you today at the launch of guidance for victims on completing a victim impact statement. I would like...

"Members of the judiciary, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to be here this morning for this important conference...

I welcome the opportunity that Deputy Broughan’s Bill gives us to focus on the issue of our time zone arrangements. As can be seen....

I am very pleased to speak to you today at the Financial Services Ireland Annual Members’ Lunch. The Financial Services Industry is a key industry in Ireland and this is an annual event that I am also very happy to attend...

You have come to our country and have chosen to live among us. Some of you have been waiting a long time for this day to arrive. Today, we welcome you to our nation as its newest citizens and we hope that you will continue to...

Listening to the debate yesterday and tonight, it is crystal clear that the sponsors of this Bill have produced something that is seriously flawed and ineffective. The additional administrative costs which the Bill seeks to impose on public bodies...

