
I welcome this opportunity to speak to the House today on the issue of reform of the water sector, and to have the opportunity to clarify recent Government...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues, I am delighted to be here today with Tánaiste Eamonn Gilmore at the official announcement of Amgen’s expansion here in Dun Laoghaire...

Thank you for your kind invitation to address your annual conference. Unfortunately, due to his required attendance at an EU Justice and Home...

Can I begin by paying warm tribute to the work of this sub-Committee and to your chair Deputy Hannigan...

I am very pleased to join you this morning to open this Conference on the special occasion of the 10th anniversary of your 1st Annual Conference. I am...

It is a pleasure to be here with you this morning to open this Conference. It is very timely event, given the Government’s announcement regarding the establishment of Irish Water last week, and as...

A Cheann Comhairle, The Government is opposing the Motorist Emergency Relief Bill sponsored by Deputy Dooley to provide for quarterly reviews of excise duty and the...

I am honoured by this opportunity to address the closing session of this important conference and share with you some thoughts about how we can be more effective in promoting good governance...

I am delighted to welcome you to Ireland and to the Second Preparatory Meeting of the 20th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum, both personally and on behalf of my...

I would like to start by thanking Dr. Kenna and his colleagues for inviting me to address such an auspicious gathering of academics, policy-makers and practitioners on such an important topic...

