
I am told that I am the first Minister for some time to be invited to address the Conference and so I am honoured to be here. I hope my remarks this morning will help to inform your deliberations over the...

The Minister for Justice and Equality and Defence, Mr. Alan Shatter T.D., today (20 April 2012) welcomed the report of the Working Group on the establishment of the new, enhanced Irish Human Rights...

Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellors, distinguished guests:I am delighted to be with you this evening to deliver the sixth Chancellor’s Lecture at the University of Ulster, at the invitation of Professor Emeritus...

In one of the most prestigious agriculture Universities in China, Minister Simon Coveney TD made a key note speech before a packed audience, on Ireland’s contribution to the future of sustainable agriculture...

On 31 May, the people of Ireland can take another important step on the road towards economic recovery, stability and increased investment...

One of my first official engagements on the tourism side was the AGM of the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation last year, so it’s useful to reflect on what’s happened since and our plans for the future...

I welcome this opportunity to address the National Conference of the Ireland Chapter of the Project Management Institute. The theme for today's conference of "Driving Value through Project Excellence"...

Cathaoirleach, I would like to thank Senator O’Sullivan for raising this matter and I am pleased to be able to set out the factual position....

