
I would like to thank Ambassador Rooney and Minister Bruton for organising today’s event. Ireland and the United States have long had a special relationship. It is a deep connection that we will always treasure as a nation...

I would like to begin by thanking you for the opportunity to address you here this morning. The theme of this year’s conference – Rules of Engagement – is indeed...

Ceann Comhairle, I welcome this opportunity to update the house on recent developments in the eurozone...

I have to begin with an expression of admiration. Courage was always in short supply when it came to taking tough decisions during the wasted years of the Celtic Tiger boom. However, there was one area where the deputies opposite...

I am delighted to be here today to officially open this magnificent Primary Care Centre in Ballina. This is an important day for primary care in the Ballina area...

adies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be here today to mark the opening of this Seminar hosted by Enterprise Ireland, Department of Defence and the Defence...

I am pleased to have the opportunity to talk to you this morning on the occasion of this joint seminar for IMPACT and PSEU members. I have been invited to speak to you today about the "Challenges for Government". Those...

Securing Dogpatch Labs Europe for Dublin is a very welcome development following NPRF’s investment in Polaris under Innovation Fund Ireland...

I would like to thank Eolas for the opportunity to speak today on this very important issue and to hopefully give an insight into the Government’s current thinking on the future...

Good evening everyone. I’m very pleased to be here to mark the Irish launch of the Global Diaspora Strategies Toolkit. It’s a highly-impressive, timely publication...

