
I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." This Bill before the House today is the first important step towards ensuring that the Houses of the Oireachtas can undertake full parliamentary inquiries....

A Uachtaráin na hOllscoile; A dhaoine uaisle. Is mór an áthas atá orm ar maidin bheith anseo chun tús oifigiúil a chur le eachtra fíor-thábhachtach anseo i UCD. Mar ní amháin foirgneamh atá ar intinn...

As you’re all aware Ireland has faced significant challenges in recent years. While we still have plenty of work to do I firmly believe that our economic prospects remain...

On the final day of his life, as he emerged from the Eldon Hotel in Skibbereen, Michael Collins was approached by the writer Edith Somerville, who admonished him... “keep your armoured cars away from my...

In my opening remarks, I would like to briefly outline for the Committee the latest economic and budgetary trends, before turning to recent important policy developments...

I wish to thank Cumann Merriman for the kind invitation to be with you here tonight in Lisdoonvara. As Minister for Children and Youth Affairs it is a great honour and sincere privilege for me to be asked to address the opening of this summer school on the theme of ’Changing Irish Childhoods’....

Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be here today to officiate at this sod-turning ceremony for the Cork Southern Ring Road Interchange Upgrade Scheme. This is tremendous news for Cork City and County...

An interesting item caught my eye in a recent New York Times. Its title was "As Government Aid fades, so may the recovery". The article had a telling point. In the USA an extraordinary amount of personal income comes...

The past, we are told, is a foreign country. Fifty years ago so much was different. The Everly Brothers were top of the charts, Spurs were league champions and a new broadcasting service called...

I am very pleased to be here today to present this Bill to the House. The purpose of the Bill is to encourage the greater use of community service as an alternative sanction to imprisonment. This Bill reflects the commitment...

