
Good morning and welcome to the launch of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs 2017...

I am delighted to have been invited to address this seminar and I would like to thank Emily Logan and members of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission for the invitation...

I am delighted to welcome Prime Minister Theresa May to Dublin for the first time since she took office. The Prime Minister's visit today is very timely.

Good afternoon everyone. I am delighted to be here today to speak to you and with you about Brexit, the EU and Irish prospects, and I am particularly pleased that we are in here on the northside of Dublin, in my own constituency, to do so...

Good Morning Croke Park! Today – Ireland’s young voices get to speak on one of the biggest issues of our time.

Good evening everyone. I would like to thank Holocaust Education Trust Ireland for inviting me to attend this evening. I am honoured to give the keynote address for such an important commemoration...

The entire area of religion and the role it plays in our education system is complex, and can be controversial as people on all sides understandably have strongly-held views on these issues.

I welcome the ongoing engagement of the Seanad with matters relating to Northern Ireland, which is a key priority for all of us in both Houses, and look forward to hearing the contributions of Senators today.

On behalf of the Tánaiste who cannot be here today as she is attending the Justice and Home Affairs meeting in Malta discussing the current migrant crisis, I want to thank the Senator for raising this important matter.

The deliberate targeting of daughters, mothers and grand-mothers by warlords, traffickers and thugs in the current crisis is too often overlooked

