
The raising of €500m by AIB through a 3 year bond issuance marks another important step in our goal of returning our banks to full independence. This bond issuance by AIB comes at the end of a very successful month for Ireland on the...

The raising of €500m by AIB through a 3 year bond issuance marks another important step in our goal of returning our banks to full independence. This bond issuance by AIB comes at the end of a very successful month for Ireland on...

Finance Minister Michael Noonan is calling for suggestions from members of the public on what more the Credit Review Office can do to ensure SMEs are getting the support on bank lending they require...

The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan T.D., is calling for suggestions from members of the public on what more the Credit Review Office can...

The independent survey on the demand for credit by SME’s in Ireland was published today (28th November 2012) covering the period April to September 2012. This survey was conducted by...

Richard Bruton TD, today (Monday 26th November 2012) launched the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce (IC4) - a new government-funded technology centre in Dublin City University to drive cloud computing innovation in Ireland...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton todaylaunched the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce - a new government-funded technology centre in Dublin City University to drive cloud computing innovation in Ireland...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today published Delivering our Green Potential, the Government’s Policy Statement on Growth and Employment in the Green Economy. The document outlines the Government’s ambition for growth and job-creation...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Friday) published Delivering our Green Potential, the Government’s Policy Statement on Growth and Employment in the Green Economy. The Minister made the...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today announced that small private companies will be able to apply directly to the Circuit Court to have an examiner appointed, in a move which will make it cheaper and easier for viable businesses to restructure...

