
Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney today opened the Grant Thornton Conference "Food 4.0: The Dynamics of Supply and Demand". In his address the Minister said that...

Ireland has today successfully concluded the eighth review mission of our EU-IMF Programme. In line with each of the previous quarterly reviews, Ireland...

I want to say at the outset, that as a Government we are determined to press ahead in overhauling the State’s property portfolio. It is a key part of our Public Service Reform Plan. The old ways of providing public sector office space - and indeed...

Ireland has today (25th of October 2012) successfully concluded the eighth review mission of our EU-IMF Programme. In line with each of the previous quarterly reviews, Ireland has met all of the commitments and our continued strong programme...

A Ceann Comhairle, In six weeks from today, the Minister for Finance will deliver his second budget to Dáil Éireann. When the Minister delivered Budget 2012, he did so nine months after this Government had inherited a...

Ministers Ruairí Quinn and Pat Rabbitte joined forces today to launch the new ‘Energy in Education’ initiative to help schools manage energy costs...

The Maastricht returns for September 2012 have been published on the Department’s website...

Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore T.D., will address representatives of more than 120 Irish companies tomorrow (Monday, 22 October) on trade and investment opportunities...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton departs this weekend to lead a five-day, four-city investment mission to the West Coast of the USA, to meet companies considering investing and creating jobs in Ireland....

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, departs this weekend to lead a five-day, four-city investment mission to the West Coast of the USA, to meet companies considering investing and creating jobs in Ireland....

