Higher Education

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today addessed the TUI conference in Tralee. As with the INTO and ASTI conferences, the Minister outlined the challenges ahead...

I want to start by thanking you for your invitation to join you in Tralee at your annual congress and for your warm welcome. I consider myself privileged to have been given the job I wanted in what is...

Education Minister Quinn today announced a single student grant awarding authority to replace the existing 66 grant awarding bodies...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, today announced that a single student grant awarding authority is to replace the existing 66 grant awarding bodies...

The Minister for Education and Skills Mr Ruairí Quinn T.D. and the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mr. Richard Bruton T.D. today...

Ministers Ruairi Quinn and Richard Bruton today launched “Education In Ireland”, an overseas marketing drive to double the number of international students choosing to study in Ireland. The drive is led by Enterprise Ireland and...

