
Transport Minister Leo Varadkar today confirmed that talks are underway to abolish the €3 travel tax. Minister Varadkar, speaking at the AGM of the Irish Tourist Industry Confederation, saidthe Government is hoping to make it easier for tourists...

Transport, Tourism & Sport Minister Leo Varadkar has confirmed today (Thursday) that he has opened discussions with airlines over abolishing the €3 travel tax, as part of a deal to re-open closed airline routes and bring more tourists into the country...

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar has overhauled the Disabled Parking Permits Scheme with a view to increasing the availability of disabled parking bays for those who need them most. The revamp follows a comprehensive review of...

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar has today published adverts in the national press seeking board members for a number of state agencies. The adverts seek expressions of interest from suitably qualified

Minister Varadkar, has said he will set out a clear plan for transport projects during the lifetime of the Government, including ‘shovel ready’ projects which will create jobs in the immediate future...

For far too long the development of public transport in Ireland has lacked a long term vision. Long term planning of our public transport requirements can bring enormous benefits in terms of mobility ...

Speaking on behalf of the Government, the House can be assured of our on-going commitment to make Irish roads even safer over the course of the next five years ...

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar today began his St. Patrick's Day visit to India with a number of meetings in New Delhi. Mr. Varadkar's meetings covered a number of sectors including education, business, aviation and tourism. Minister Varadkar also met with the Indian Minister for...

Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar today began his St. Patricks Day visit to India with a number of meetings with business, aviation, education and tourism interests in New Delhi. The Minister began his visit with a briefing on prospects for trade and investment with representatives from...

Achill Coast Guard Unit, (recipients of a National Courage Award in November 2010) will this weekend be honoured as part of the festivities for the 3rd largest ...

