
Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten unveiled the first kiosk unit as part of the new ‘Digital Assist’ initiative today.

71 new palliative care beds in last five years, with plans for more in next five years, as Government continues to improve palliative care.

National Fire Safety Week, 1-8 October, jointly run with the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service, is about enhancing fire safety, particularly in the home.

Today (Monday October 1st) marks the start of Re-Use Month and the Minister for Environment Denis Naughten and the Community Reuse Network Ireland

The Minister of State for Local Government and Electoral Reform announced that the Government at its meeting of Thursday, 27 September, agreed in principle

The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Shane Ross confirmed an additional €400,000 of funding is being made available to Dublin City Council

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, has issued a call for proposals for Agri-Food Tourism Initiatives under the 2018 Rural Innovation

Today, Shane Ross, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport emphasised the importance of promoters of extreme combat sports events...

The Minister with Responsibility for Defence Paul Kehoe announced the approval by Government of three new nominees to the next General Assembly...

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan, has today laid the Legal Aid Board Annual Report 2017 before the Houses of the Oireachtas.

