
The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, has today announced the extension of free flu vaccines to children up to the age of 17...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, yesterday chaired the 29th meeting of the Food Wise 2025 High Level Implementation Committee (HLIC) where Brexit preparations, the economic implications of COVID-19 for the sector, and progress on the new Agri-food Strategy to 2030 were discussed...

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, has today (Friday) welcomed the proposals issued by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) – Building Momentum – A New Public Service Agreement 2021 - 2022...

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, T.D., today announced the appointment of two specialist Cultural Officers, one in London and one in New York, under the Government’s Global Ireland 2025 strategy...

Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly T.D. and the Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler T.D., have today welcomed funding to further support  nursing homes to enhance and create additional safe visiting spaces...

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, has today launched an updated Investment Projects and Programmes Tracker and MyProjectIreland interactive map....

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D., and the Minister of State for Sport and the Gaeltacht, Jack Chambers T.D., confirmed that the Department is accepting applications from today (11th December) under the new round of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme....

Addition brings total available under the COVID-19 Stability Fund €45 million...

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has confirmed that test results have identified evidence of Avian Influenza H5N8 in samples from a small free range turkey flock in Co. Wicklow...

